Proactive community adaptation to climate change through social transformation and behavioural change

The 2nd PRO-CLIMATE project meeting was hosted by our partners at Atlantic Technological University (ATU). PRO-CLIMATE consortium gathered to review the progress of the work and outline the next steps. The meeting began with discussions on the development of the PRO-CLIMATE Living Labs framework and the preparation of the PRO-CLIMATE Living Labs operational plan. The first outcomes will be shared in “D2.1 Baseline assessment and knowledge gathering” by month 12 of the project (December 2024). The Living Labs operational plan (D2.2 Living Lab pilot operational plan) is expected to be finalized by month 18 (June 2025).

Simultaneously, work is underway to identify the Focal Action Situation within the socio-ecological systems of each Living Lab. These findings will also be presented in month 12 as part of “D3.1 Description of the Socio-ecological system for each Living Lab”.

Several meetings have already taken place with the six project Living Labs. Results presented to establish a common understanding of good governance and behavioral change necessary for supporting transformations toward climate resilience. The next meetings will focus on identifying key stakeholders and engagement strategies. Additionally, a one-day workshop to train change agents from each Living Lab is planned for November, hosted by our partners at Coventry University, UK.

Lastly, discussions centered around the design of the Multi-Agent Computer Model (MACM), which aims to identify social tipping points that facilitate systemic changes toward climate resilience. The goal is to create a simulation platform that makes this model accessible to policymakers and stakeholders.

More details will be shared in our upcoming Newsletter. Feel free to subscribe here to stay tuned.