PRO-CLIMATE @ the kick-off meeting of NEUROCLIMA
Our project coordinator Iason Tamiakis (Tero), had the opportunity to present PRO-CLIMATE during the kick-off meeting of our sister project NEUROCLIMA. NEUROCLIMA aims to promote and support systemic transformations by involving and raising awareness among citizens regarding climate resilience strategies. The project envisions the creation of a nervous system that connects policymakers, public institutions, and […]
PRO-CLIMATE press release
On the 1st of January 2024 the Horizon Europe project called PRO-CLIMATE officially kicked-off. The full name of the 3-years duration project is “Proactive community adaptation to climate change through social transformation and behavioural change” and it was approved for funding in the frame of the Horizon Europe Research Programme (call topic “HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-09: Behavioural change […]
PRO-CLIMATE kick off meeting @ Thessaloniki
The PRO-CLIMATE kick-off meeting was organised in Thessaloniki, Greece where the Project Coordinator Tero PC is located. The meeting took place on Tuesday the 9th and Wednesday the 10th of January 2024. During the meeting the consortium had the opportunity to: Present the main objectives of PRO-CLIMATE. Understand each partner’s contribution and overall EC expectations. […]